Enables one to ride a motorcycle above 50cc
• Can carry a maximum load of 60 Kg (for up to 400cc)
• Can carry a passenger
Motorcycle taxi,Couriers, Three wheelers (e.g Tuk-tuk)
• Enables one to ride a motorcycle above 100cc
• Can carry a maximum load of 100 Kg (for up to 50cc)
• Can carry a passenger
• Enable one to drive a light vehicle (passenger car) with an automatic gear box and a maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 3500 kg with one light trailer (not exceeding 750 kg)
• Cannot drive a vehicle equipped with a manual gearbox
• Can carry up to a maximum of 7 passengers
• Enables one to drive a light vehicle (passenger car) with a maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 3500 kg with one light trailer (not exceeding 750 kg)
• Equipped with a manual or automatic gear box
• Can carry up to a maximum of 7 passengers
• Minimum age of 21 years
• Enables one to drive a light vehicle (passenger car) with a maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 3500 kg with one light trailer (not exceeding 750 kg)
• Equipped with a manual or automatic gear box
• Can carry up to a maximum of 7 passengers
• Minimum age of 21 years
• Enables one to drive a heavy truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) exceeding 7500 kg with maximum one light trailer not exceeding 750 kg
• Equipped with manual or automatic gear box
• Enable one to drive a light vehicle (passenger car) with an automatic gear box and a maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 3500 kg with one light trailer (not exceeding 750 kg)
• Cannot drive a vehicle equipped with a manual gearbox
• Can carry up to a maximum of 7 passengers
• Enables one to drive a heavy truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) exceeding 7500 kg with maximum one light trailer not exceeding 750 kg
• Equipped with manual or automatic gear box
With Trailer
• Special Driving License for Persons with Disability (PWD)
• Enables one to drive a vehicle depending on the category the PWD is trained on
• Minimum age of 18 years
• Requirement is as per the class the categories of abled drivers
Enhance your road safety and driving confidence with a defensive driving course at Top Gear Driving School
It is no secret that one of the best ways to improve your safety on the road is to take a driving course from a reputable school
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